Saturday, April 23, 2016

Excerising While on Your Period

If you're like me, you probably struggle with exercising while on your period. You cramp really bad. You're bloated. You just feel terrible in general. All you want to do is lay there wrapped up in a blanket and watch Netflix while eating chocolate. While this might be okay for a lot of you, it's not for me. I don't like looking back at my day and seeing how unproductive I was. I end up getting in a worse mood than I was in to begin with if I just lay around all day.

Should you even exercise while on your period?

The answer is yes, although you should probably keep it light to moderate. Exercising while menstruating can help relieve some of the PMS symptoms. It helps with my cramps and bloating. It also just keeps me from feeling sluggish, like I typically do when I'm menstruating. It boosts my mood. Keep in mind, if you're periods are too painful to exercise properly, do not stress about not working out. It will be okay. Studies show that you are more susceptible to injury during this time, so listen to your body.

What exercises can you do while on your period?
  1. Yoga- breathing techniques help with period pain and have a calming effect. It can also be very light exercise, which is good for cramps.
  2. Walking- also light-moderate exercise. You can do a slow walk, or to make it a little harder, power walk.
  3. Swimming- can be as light or hard as you want it to be. Good for light cardio.
  4. Lifting weights- remember to keep it light-moderate! Try lifting some light-weight dumbbells

Tips for working out while menstruating
  1. Remember to stay hydrated!
  2. Opt for a tampon instead of a pad. Many women do not want to or physically cannot use tampons, but I like to opt for a tampon because it is more comfortable.
  3. Remember to stretch before you workout.
  4. I prefer to wear dark clothes to the gym or wherever, just in case something happens.
  5. I also like to bring extra pads or tampons with me just in case.
  6. Don't forget to individualize your exercises. Some people cannot workout while on their period, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Signs it's the End of the Semester

1.) You're trying to figure out how many meal plans you have left and see that you have a ton left, so you'll be making a lot of trips to the cafeteria OR...

2.) You have to buy actual groceries at the end of the semester because you used all of your meal plans.

3.) Remember when you ate semi-healthy? And went to the gym? Good times. Hello stress eating.

4.) You went from dressing up nice at the beginning of the semester to looking like you're sporting Kanye West's clothing line.
5.) Unless you have presentations, which is another sign it's the end of the semester. Fun.

6.) You stopped doing your assigned readings, although you may have never started.

7.) Everything is due at the same time.
8.) You really want to skip class, but they might go over what's on the final that day.

9.) You don't even want to hear the word "final" after all of the homework you just finished.

10.) Maybe you didn't finish your homework. Now's the perfect time to procrastinate, right?

11.) You think about all of the things you have to do. You watch a marathon of your favorite TV show on Netflix, while continuing to think about all that you have to do.

12.) Because of waiting until the last minute, you have to stay up all night every night to do homework and study for finals.

13.) And that means lots and lots of coffee.

14.) You try to calculate exactly what you need to make on your upcoming papers and finals to get the letter grade you want.    
15.) You should have known when you said you'd start studying earlier at the beginning of the semester that you wouldn't.

16.) You'll have several breakdowns. You may shed a few tears.


17.) Everyone starts asking for bonus points.

18.) The only thing helping you make it through the last of the semester is your countdown until the last day.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fine Motor Craft for Kids

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Craft
(Age level: 4-8 years)


·         2 Paper plates- $3.48

·         Construction Paper (1 white, pink, and brown)- $6.88

·         Scissors- $2.00

·         Glue stick- $1.97

·         Pen, pencil, or black marker- $.97

·         Scotch tape- $3.31


1.      Using one blade of the scissors, poke a hole through the paper plate a little below the halfway point in the middle of the paper plate. This will be where you start cutting the mouth out.

2.      Cut the mouth out on the bottom side of the plate (the side you DO NOT eat on). Make sure it’s big enough to fit your cookies. You can make the mouth look however you want. Refer to the picture for an example.

3.      Cut the nose out of the pink construction paper. Again, make it how you want it, but I cut a triangle for mine.

4.      Using a glue stick, glue the nose a little bit above the mouth we cut out.

5.      Using the pink construction paper, cut out the pink part of the ear. Remember, you have two ears!

6.      When you are done cutting out the pink ears, use these to trace another set of ears on white construction paper, so they are the same shape, but make sure the white ears are bigger than the pink. Cut out your second pair of ears. The pink will be the inside of the ears and the white will be the outside.                                                                                  

7.      Using glue sticks, glue the pink part of the ear onto the white part.

8.      Glue one ear on each side of the top of the paper plate.

9.      Using a pencil, pen, or marker, draw the eyes and whiskers. You can also draw the lines that connect from the nose to the mouth.

10.  Tape your plates together so that the top part of the plates (the part you eat on) are facing together. Your plate should be hollow on the inside. Put one piece of tape in between the ears and one on each side. Do not tape the bottom.

11.  Time to cut out your cookies! Using your brown construction paper, cut out circles small enough to fit through the mouth of your mouse. You can decorate them to make them look like chocolate chip cookies!

12.  You’re done! Now you can feed your mouse cookies by putting the cookies in the mouth. Since we did not tape the bottom of the plates together, we can get the cookies back out!

Kids can practice grasping the cookies to put into the mouth, which builds fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Best Health and Fitness Apps

1.) Map my run (free)- I use this daily. It tracks different workouts through GPS, or you can manually log exercise by the distance and duration. My favorite part is the challenges. I'm a competitive person, so it really pushes me.

2.) Lose it (free)- Tracks meals, exercise, and nutrition. It also has social features to keep you motivated.

3.) Calorie Counter Diet Tracker by My Fitness Pal (free)- It is what it says: a calorie counter. I don't count my calories anymore, but I do use it for motivation. You can now post progress pictures.

4.) Sleep Cycle Alarm (free)- Determines your sleep pattern, and wakes you up during the lightest sleep phase.

5.) Body Space (free)- A social fitness app that gives you different workouts to try.

6.) Steps Pedometer and Step Counter (free)-  Set goals and track how far you've walked along with how many steps you've took.

7.) Calm (free)- Mindfulness meditation app with breathing techniques and calming sound effects.

8.) My Diet Coach (free)- Counts calories and keeps you motivated with tips and quotes.

9.) Sworkit (free)- You can choose a workout or personalize your own.

10.) Daily Workouts (free)- Customize your own workouts.

11.) Lifesum (free)- Helps you make healthier food choices, and also helps with exercise.

12.) Zipongo (free) - Provides healthy recipes as well as coupons.

13.) Simple Yoga (free)- Definitely not as good as the next app listed, but I wanted to provide a free alternative. You can not customize, but you do have your own "personal trainer."

14.) Yoga Studio ($3.99)- Use already created classes or customize your own.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Does Color Correcting Work?


The answer is yes, if you was wondering. I was very "iffy" about trying it because I am not into looking like a clown. Or the wicked witch of the west. In order to test color correcting out, I used Physicians Formula concealer twins, which comes with green and a yellow/orange colored concealer.

My whole face is tinted pink, and I have several red patches all over my face, so I used the green concealer beside my nose, in between my eyebrows, and on acne. My under eyes are a blue purple color, so that is where I applied the yellow orange concealer.

Before makeup

With concealer

The green concealer I used seemed like a bit much at first, but I put it on under my foundation so it evened out. Although I would like for it to only have a green tint, it did do the job of covering up the redness on my face.
Concealer blended in

Finished makeup
Yes, I can say that overall it worked, although the concealer I had been using worked just as well because of its tint. It was kind of like color correcting, but not full out, which really gives you coverage.

Want to know how to color correct? Do you want me to review a specific drugstore product? Comment down below!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Fitness Motivation Quotes

It's hard to stay motivated to stay fit. I know this. I have been there. I still am there on some days. There are some things that I do to help me stay motivated, one of which is looking at fitness quotes.  I have compiled a list of my favorite fitness quotes that motivate me to keep going. Feel free to make a picture of your favorite quote and stick it on the fridge or use it as a background on your phone, so you will always be motivated.

1.) You can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow. You choose.

2.) If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.

3.) The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.

4.) It's a slow process. Don't make it slower by quitting.

5.) When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.

6.) No matter how slow you go, you are lapping everyone on the couch.

7.) I'm not training for a 5k. I'm not preparing for a competition. I'm not trying to set a new record. I'm not trying to impress you. I'm saving my life.

8.) Don't wish for it. Work for it.

9.) Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be.

10.) If you still look cute at the end of your workout, you didn't work hard enough.

11.) Let exercise be your stress reliever; not food.

12.) It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing. It takes 8 weeks for your friends and family to see. It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Keep going.

13.) If you're not hungry enough to eat fruits or vegetables, don't eat it.

14.) The body achieves what the mind believes.

15.) Fit is not a destination. It is a way of life.

16.) Whether it's 10 miles or 1, you will never regret getting up and going for a run.

17.) Today's actions are tomorrow's results.

18.) Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. (Jim Rohn)

19.) The best things in life make you sweaty.

20.) You've always been beautiful. Now you're just deciding to be healthier, fitter, faster, and stronger. Remember that.

21.) Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got one flat.

22.) One of the greatest moments in life is realizing that 2 weeks ago your body couldn't do what it does now.

23.) Don't stop when it hurts. Stop when you're done.

24.) I will. Just watch me.

25.) Train insane or remain the same.

26.) I already know what giving up feels like. I want to see what happens if I don't.

27.) Food is the most abused anxiety drug. Exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant.

28.) You can do anything for 30 seconds.

29.) Train like a beast, look like a beauty.

30.) Strive for progress, not perfection.

31.) The fact that you aren't where you want to be should be enough motivation.

32.) Sore is the most satisfying pain.

33.) Even if you can't physically see the results in front of you, every single effort is changing your body from the inside.

34.) Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it.

35.) Note to self: When I eat like crap, I feel like crap.

36.) What you eat in private, you wear in public.

37.) You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.

38.) You are what you eat. Don't be fast, easy, or fake.

39.) Don't eat for the pleasure of tasting something delicious. Eat because you are fueling your body.

40.) You are not hungry; you are bored. Drink some water and learn the difference.

41.) Our bodies are capable of anything. It's our minds we have to convince.

42.) It's not that I can't eat that. I'm making the healthier choice not to.

43.) Be stronger than your excuses.

44.) Let them sleep while you grind. Let them party while you work. The difference will show.

45.) It always seems impossible until it is done.

46.) The best ab exercise is 5 sets of stop eating so much crap.

47.) Good things come to those who wait. Good things come to those who work their butts off and never give up.

48.) It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable.

49.) They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds.

50.) Someone who is busier than you is running right now.

Want more quotes or other motivational posts? Let me know in the comments below! Here is another great article about some fitness motivation quotes that will inspire you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What I Eat in a Day: College Edition

It's so hard to eat healthy in college. Anyone who lives in a dorm probably knows that. My refrigerator is tiny. My freezer is less than one foot in width and length. I don't have a stove. Basically, I'm stuck with unhealthy processed food. However, I have been trying to find alternatives for the things like Ramen Noodles and Mac n' cheese that are just as easy to fix. I am showing you what I ate today in hopes that it will give you some idea as to what you can eat and still be healthy while living on campus.


I have been eating 1 banana everyday for breakfast. I know a lot of people will say that is not enough, but when I eat a heavier breakfast, I feel sick for the rest of the morning. I also don't like actual breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, toast, cereal, oatmeal, etc., so I don't have many options. Some other foods that I have tried and loved are protein bars, as well as Fiber One bars shown above.


Today for lunch, I made a tuna salad sandwich. I often go back and forth between tuna and chicken. It's so easy and so delicious. I just mix up canned tuna (in water) or chicken with about a tablespoon of sweet relish and Greek yogurt (instead of mayo). I either put it on a whole wheat tortilla wrap or honey wheat bread; today I chose the latter. I usually eat this with an apple, baby carrot chips and ranch dressing, or baked potato chips.


For dinner, I bought some pulled grilled chicken. It is already cooked, so all you have to do is zap it in the microwave. The brand in the picture does not use antibiotics or growth hormone. I usually dip the grilled chicken in some honey mustard or ranch for some flavor and I heat up some canned veggies to go with it.


For snacks, I usually eat Fiber One brownies shown above, or the Fiber One bar I mentioned earlier.

That's everything I ate today! If you want to me compile a list of ideas for meals in college or just more What I Ate Today blogs comment down below!