
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Signs it's the End of the Semester

1.) You're trying to figure out how many meal plans you have left and see that you have a ton left, so you'll be making a lot of trips to the cafeteria OR...

2.) You have to buy actual groceries at the end of the semester because you used all of your meal plans.

3.) Remember when you ate semi-healthy? And went to the gym? Good times. Hello stress eating.

4.) You went from dressing up nice at the beginning of the semester to looking like you're sporting Kanye West's clothing line.
5.) Unless you have presentations, which is another sign it's the end of the semester. Fun.

6.) You stopped doing your assigned readings, although you may have never started.

7.) Everything is due at the same time.
8.) You really want to skip class, but they might go over what's on the final that day.

9.) You don't even want to hear the word "final" after all of the homework you just finished.

10.) Maybe you didn't finish your homework. Now's the perfect time to procrastinate, right?

11.) You think about all of the things you have to do. You watch a marathon of your favorite TV show on Netflix, while continuing to think about all that you have to do.

12.) Because of waiting until the last minute, you have to stay up all night every night to do homework and study for finals.

13.) And that means lots and lots of coffee.

14.) You try to calculate exactly what you need to make on your upcoming papers and finals to get the letter grade you want.    
15.) You should have known when you said you'd start studying earlier at the beginning of the semester that you wouldn't.

16.) You'll have several breakdowns. You may shed a few tears.


17.) Everyone starts asking for bonus points.

18.) The only thing helping you make it through the last of the semester is your countdown until the last day.


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