
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Excerising While on Your Period

If you're like me, you probably struggle with exercising while on your period. You cramp really bad. You're bloated. You just feel terrible in general. All you want to do is lay there wrapped up in a blanket and watch Netflix while eating chocolate. While this might be okay for a lot of you, it's not for me. I don't like looking back at my day and seeing how unproductive I was. I end up getting in a worse mood than I was in to begin with if I just lay around all day.

Should you even exercise while on your period?

The answer is yes, although you should probably keep it light to moderate. Exercising while menstruating can help relieve some of the PMS symptoms. It helps with my cramps and bloating. It also just keeps me from feeling sluggish, like I typically do when I'm menstruating. It boosts my mood. Keep in mind, if you're periods are too painful to exercise properly, do not stress about not working out. It will be okay. Studies show that you are more susceptible to injury during this time, so listen to your body.

What exercises can you do while on your period?
  1. Yoga- breathing techniques help with period pain and have a calming effect. It can also be very light exercise, which is good for cramps.
  2. Walking- also light-moderate exercise. You can do a slow walk, or to make it a little harder, power walk.
  3. Swimming- can be as light or hard as you want it to be. Good for light cardio.
  4. Lifting weights- remember to keep it light-moderate! Try lifting some light-weight dumbbells

Tips for working out while menstruating
  1. Remember to stay hydrated!
  2. Opt for a tampon instead of a pad. Many women do not want to or physically cannot use tampons, but I like to opt for a tampon because it is more comfortable.
  3. Remember to stretch before you workout.
  4. I prefer to wear dark clothes to the gym or wherever, just in case something happens.
  5. I also like to bring extra pads or tampons with me just in case.
  6. Don't forget to individualize your exercises. Some people cannot workout while on their period, and there's nothing wrong with that.


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  2. Hey! I have nominated you for The Liebster Award. :)
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  3. Is so impressed that you exercise on your period. I'm usually pathetic. X

    1. Thank you! I just started doing that recently, and just a few days ago was the first time I've ever full on worked out on my period and I literally didn't cramp at all. It was crazy because my cramps are usually so bad!
