
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Sunburn Remedies

Hey everyone! I started a new blog over at Thriving Wonders. Please go check out my blog! I have this exact post (but much better) over there! :)

I'm sure almost everyone knows the dangers of getting a sunburn. Sometimes that just isn't enough to keep it from happening. Whether you're trying to tan, or just got exposed to the sun without thinking about it, here are some ways you can heal your sunburn fast.
  1. One obvious way is to use sunscreen in the first place. Yes, this doesn't actually HEAL sunburn, but the less burnt you get, the easier it will heal. You may tend to skip the sunscreen in order to tan, but you don't need to. You can tan with sunscreen without getting burnt so bad.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy for sunburn. Take a washcloth or paper towel, put some apple cider vinegar on it, and gently dab it on your burn.
  3. Coconut oil is another amazing remedy for sunburn. Dampen your skin with a cool washcloth and apply coconut oil to the burn.
  4. Black tea also helps sunburn. Put 3-4 tea bags in a glass of lukewarm water, dip your washcloth in it, and apply it to your sunburn.
  5. Aloe Vera provides instant relief for burns. I buy an aloe Vera gel in store, but you can also apply it directly from the plant.
  6. If you don't have aloe vera, just remember to keep your skin moisturized. Your skin is damaged, which tends to dry it out.
  7. Take cool showers. Never take a hot shower with a sunburn! The cool shower will help soothe the burn.
  8. Don't use harsh soaps. Soaps with a lot of chemicals will dry out your skin even further. Try finding a soap with natural ingredients. I use Neutrogena naturals.
With all of these remedies, you should definitely be able to heal your sunburn. Some of these take a little more time than others, but some will heal your sunburn overnight. Good luck!

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