
Monday, July 11, 2016

How to be Happy

  1. Take pleasure in all of the small things.
  2. Realize how small you actually are in this big world.
  3. Know whatever you're going through is just a  small segment of your life span.
  4. Change your way of thinking. If you catch yourself thinking something negative, try to turn it into something positive.
  5. Stop complaining. It's easy to find the bad in something. Take the road less traveled and find the good.
  6. Don't worry about what other people think.
  7. Don't worry about the past.
  8. If you're not in a good mood, put yourself in one.
  9. Get lost in a book.
  10. Watch a happy movie.
  11. Do something nice for someone.
  12. Play with a pet.
  13. Go with the flow. It's okay as it is. It doesn't always have to be how you think it should be.
  14. Get more sleep.
  15. Meditate.
  16. Spend time with people you care about.
  17. Find hobbies that make you feel good.
  18. Learn to love yourself.
  19. Find the time to relax.
  20. Enjoy nature.
  21. Don't be afraid of new experiences.
  22. Be grateful. Know that someone will always have it worse than you. It's not as bad as it seems.
  23. Have a good attitude.
  24. Let go of things and people that are holding you down.
  25. Always smile. Be the person who smiled and didn't get a response, not the one who didn't smile back.
  26. Disconnect from social media. Seeing all of the negative can affect your way of thinking.
  27. Dance to your favorite song.
  28. Find something that inspires you.
  29. Don't compare your life to others.
  30. Be present in everything you do. 
  31. Get up early.
  32. Get things done.
  33. Know that happiness doesn't necessarily come from material things.
  34. Find a job you love.
  35. Be healthy. Your physical health can have a factor in your emotional health.
  36. Know that everything will be okay.


  1. Very well said :). The beginning of this year I really learned how to let go of some people from my life who were bringing me down and now I am in such a better place.I love the list you came up with, very great reminder!

    I actually wrote about something similar to that on my blog. It is called Friendships, if you want to check it out :-)

  2. I'm so glad for you! Getting rid of all of that negative energy really does help. I'll definitely go check it out. Thanks so much!
