
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What I wish I Would Have Known as a Freshman

1.) You probably won't stay friends with most of your high school besties.

2.) I know homework is important, but you need to take time for yourself. Going out and having fun keeps a healthy balance.

3.) Stop saying no. When my friends would ask if I wanted to do something, no was my go to answer. I always had homework I wanted to get done, when really it could have waited.

4.) Try to keep up a healthy lifestyle. It's hard when all you want to do is cry and eat chocolate and ramen noodles, but you'll feel better in the long run if you try to be healthy.

5.) Ask for help if you need it. I'm really bad for not asking for help because I don't want to seem stupid. However, most professors will understand. It's better to feel stupid than to get a bad grade because you was too stubborn or embarrassed to ask.

6.) Take advantage of student discounts. There's no explanation for that.

7.) Go out of your comfort zone. I went to some activities on campus that I normally wouldn't go to by myself, which is totally out of my comfort zone. By doing that, I made some great friends, so don't be afraid to try something new.

8.) Procrastination is the devil. Waiting until last minute will just make it harder on yourself.

9.) Take classes that will interest you. You might have your mind set on a major, but try out classes that sound interesting. They might even make you want to change your major.

10.) It's okay to change your major. Yeah, that might put you a little behind. What's getting a year or so behind compared with the rest of your life with a job you can enjoy?

11.) Go to at least one sporting event. It can be fun, and you may even get a free t-shirt.

12.) Keep common medicine. Getting a headache and having to go all the way out to Walmart for medicine isn't fun.

13.) Take advantage of free food. In the long run, it can save you quite a bit of money.

14.) I know it seems like it's dragging by now, but when you look back, it goes by in the blink of an eye. Don't take it for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Really agree with number one! :( Do you want to be friends with me on bloglovin? If yes, just follow my blog there, I'll follow your blog back!!!
