
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cheap Skincare for Acne

Everyone once in a while, I break out pretty bad. Especially being a college student because I stress out so often. I also break out really bad when I am about to start my period. I have always struggled to keep my breakouts under control when they do happen, but I recently came across a routine that helps prevent it to some extent. Actually, it helps quite a bit for me. Of course, everyone's body isdifferent, so I don't know if this will help YOU or not, but you can at least give it a go.

First things first. Here are the products I use when I am not broke out:
Now, for what I use when I am broke out. Please keep in mind that it is usually only mild breakouts that I have. This product works miracles, so maybe it will for you too. When I am broke out, I use the Equate 3-step Acne Treatment
This treatment comes with a cleanser, toner, repairing lotion, and mask (not pictured).  You use them in that order, except the mask (obviously). The cleanser is an exfoliator, so it will remove dead skin. All of the products have the same chemical that is supposed to help with breakouts, so it continues to work after you wash it off. It is compared to proactive, but for about half the price.

Another product that I use to help is Equate Spot Treatment. I just put it directly on my breakout, and it dries it up.

Lets say, you don't want to use these specific products (even though you should). I'll give you a little secret. The chemical in all of the products that actually help my breakouts isn't salicylic acid, which is what is in most skincare products. Salicylic acid actually makes it a lot worse for me. What DOES help is  benzoyl peroxide, so be on the lookout for that.

Hope you enjoyed the post, and have a great day!

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