
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Adding Meta Tags to Blogger

Meta tags are a great thing to have if you are a blogger. I do not know the technicalities of it, but they are used to help your blog pop up on the search engine. I tried several ways, including editing the html, but it did not work for me. I was playing around, and found a way to easily add meta tags for Blogger, so here is how you do it.

1.) Go to your Blogger dashboard.

2.) Go to settings from the dropdown box beside your blogs.

3.) Under settings, go to "search preferences."

4.) You will see where it says "Meta tags" at the top of the page. Here is what it looks like with a better description of what meta tags are:

5.) Click edit, which is right beside where it says disabled.

6.) Add a description of your blog starting with, "A blog about..." I have underlined the example in the following screenshot. Then click "Save changes."

7.) After you have clicked "Saved changes," the following screenshot is what should be showing.

You have officially added meta tags to your blogger in the easiest way possible. Have a good day, and I hope this post was informative!

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